Quddus Philippe

Episode 1 - April 5, 2015


Quddus burst into the international spotlight as a host on MTV’s hit show Total Request Live (TRL) in 2001. After 5 years on MTV, Quddus left to explore new ground on the cutting edge of online content as one of the first from television to partner with outlets like Myspace, AOL and Yahoo.


Currently, he contributes as a special correspondent on The Insider [CBS] and oversees his multifaceted production company, The Q Side Entertainment. Aside from his life on screen, Quddus is a passionate humanitarian who serves as a board member of Generosity.org, an ambassador for Green Dot Public Schools and as a steering committee member of the Violence Prevention Coalition of Los Angeles. He also loves practicing yoga, Vipassana meditation and improv comedy at The Groundlings.


I can't say enough about Quddus. He is supportive, giving, wise and has a stunning ability to connect with others. He follows his dreams, while being open to possibilities and having a huge vision.


Today we talk about how to get in the flow during challenging times, external validation versus self acceptance, trust and being understanding in relationships.


Connect with Quddus: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube


Show Notes:

-How Quddus brings authenticity out of his interviewees

-The importance of adaptability and letting go

-How to get out of your head and back into a flow state

-Reinvention AND walking the walk

-Creating honor and a depth of listening

-How we live in a time of a disconnected dynamic and interpersonal relationships

-Check in and be present with your feelings

-The value in perseverance, being creative and figuring out how to create a new path


Links Mentioned:

-Learn more about Emotional Intelligence in LA

-Find out all about Q side Entertainment

-Look what's happening @ Generosity.org and Greendotpublicschools.com

-Listen to Quddus on The School of Greatness or Shoptalk Radio

-Get a copy of Seven Thousand Ways to Listen by Mark Nepo

Episode Quotes

“The best moments come in full expression.”