Kira Asatryan

Episode 59 - April 5, 2016


Kira Asatryan is the author of Stop Being Lonely: 3 Simple Steps to Developing Close Friendships and Deep Relationships. She is also a contributor to and The Huffington Post, as well as a relationships coach. This episode is all about loneliness and building close relationships. We talk about the antidote to loneliness, the ideal amount of close relationships you should have, and how you can strengthen the relationships that you are in.


Connect with Kira Asatryan: Facebook | Twitter | Website


Show Notes:

-What is loneliness?

-The benefits of having close relationships

-How to build closeness

-The 4 best questions you can ask someone to create closeness

-Why you can’t know someone at first sight

-How we pick and choose who we become close with
Question of The Week:

Who have you met in the last year that has closeness potential?


Exercise of the Week:

Take the leap and ask them to do something in real life. 




-Stop Being Lonely book

-7 Minute Workout app



Episode Quotes

"Being real is allowing yourself to speak about the things that really matter to you, whether they are cool or sexy or not."


"Closeness is the experience of feeling known by somebody else and cared about."


"We are social beings. Our brains are social brains, and relationships is the thing that makes you happy over the span of your life."


"Having no close people in your life is bad for your health."