Never Stop Growing

As long as you’re uncomfortable, it means you’re growing.
There’s nothing like that feeling of momentum, seeing all of your hard work, and growth, on display in real-time. Unfortunately, there’s no easy way of experiencing any of those things if you are living as comfortably as you’d be under your covers, in your bed.
While there is a time and place for relaxation and comfort, indulging in too much familiarity over time can leave us feeling unmotivated, bored, without direction, or even fearful of experiencing new things. It’s not a place we want to be.
Are you being real about your relationship with your comfort zones?
Whenever I find myself feeling the crippling effects of playing it safe, I go through my 5 Step Roadmap To Push Past My Edge:
•Explore where I’m playing it safe (in work, health, and relationships) and what’s holding me back.
•Determine what steps I can take to push into my edge and overcome any fears.
•Identify what I can gain from taking action.
•Challenge all the assumptions & circumstances that are getting in my way.
•Put together an action plan that involves deadlines and accountability.
To push past my own edge, and more specifically, my fear of rejection – which I think is holding me back professionally, I recorded a deep dive on comfort zones and how to break through them. So if you’d like to hear my list of top things you can try RIGHT NOW to shake up your life, or go deeper into the five-step roadmap, then check out Episode 221 of Are You Being Real!
Wishing you an amazingly uncomfortable week full of growth! 😉
Much love,
PS: If you’re serious about leaving your comfort zones behind, then I want to be in your corner cheering you on. Shoot me a reply to this e-mail, letting me know something you are committed to doing differently, and by when, and I will keep you accountable (yes, I’m serious)!