The ‘A’ Word

People who write down their goals, and have someone keep them accountable, are 78% more likely to achieve their objective.
-From the research of Dr. Gail Matthews
In last week’s ‘Sunday Sauce,’ I shared this statistic, and it got people’s attention.
I’m not surprised.
From being an accountability coach for the last 6 years, I’ve learned that the more we want to achieve in life, the more we need to manage. You see, with so much noise, so many distractions, and all of our competing interests, it’s tough to remember AND do everything, and there are always things that slip through the cracks.
I call these cracks, ‘accountability gaps.’
Our accountability gaps represent things we want to do, that we deem important, but that we are inconsistent (or flat out bad) at following through with – because no one is checking in and ensuring that we do.
For me, the difference in having accountability vs. the times I don’t, is massive. When it’s absent, I don’t spend my time as wisely as I’d like, my business becomes stagnant, my health and relationships often deteriorate, and worse yet, I feel guilty and worse about myself.
When I DO have accountability, I am able to make strides beyond what I thought was possible. It’s helped me take risks to grow my business, do things that are important to me more consistently (like releasing a podcast episode every week for the past 4.5 years, and sending out 8-10 personalized shoutout videos to people I love everyday), giving up meat, spending less time on social media, and becoming an all around better friend, lover, and leader.
I liken accountability to the sport of bowling. Each pin represents a key area in our lives (see below). When we have accountability, we not only get to the lanes more often to practice, but getting the support of a coach or accountability buddy is like bumpers – to help us knock down more pins, and to keep us out of our gutters. To me, and the hundreds of high achievers I’ve worked with, accountability is a sure-fire way to help you feel happier, healthier, and stronger, while generating your desired results.
10 Areas of Life: Identify your goals, and whatever is getting in the way.
•Time Management
•Love/Romantic Relationships
•Social Life
•Familial Relationships
•Creative Self-Expression
•Purpose: Growth & Impact
What would be possible if you had the insurance and support to follow through on the things that are most important to you? That’s the power of accountability!
If you are committed to finishing the decade strong and think you could benefit from a loving and supportive accountability coach, I’m taking on a few additional clients. Just reply to this email – within the next 24 hours, and we can set up a time to dig into your goals & priorities.
Wishing you an amazing week full of strikes/spares!
Much love,