Erin Sullivan, aka Erin Outdoors, is a blogger, photographer, speaker, model and coach. Her online inspirational content for adventurous people has an audience of over 45,000 followers. Erin believes that if you aren’t living your true passion it will keep sneaking up on you until you let it in. Today’s episode is all about listening to what life is trying to tell you. Learn how Erin listened to her passion to create her dream job, why it’s important to put yourself outside of your comfort zone, and what it’s like to build a life as a blogger and online content creator.
Connect with Erin Sullivan: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Show Notes:
-What’s your why? …and how to find it
-How getting fired changed Erin’s life
-Why it’s important to put yourself outside of your comfort zone
-The problem with waiting until you are “ready” to make a change
-Tips to regain balance after being off-kilter
-How Erin learned to be a leader
-How to use social media authentically
-Behind the scenes… what the life of a blogger and online content creator is really like
-How to collaborate and build positive business partnerships as an entrepreneur
-Learning how to say “no” when someone else’s feelings are on the line
Links Mentioned:
Question of The Week:
Are you being real with your story? The parts that sucked, the parts you did well at, and everything that makes you who you are today?
Episode Quotes
“The idea of being “ready” is bullshit. Always go for it!
SHARE“Don’t compare your challenges to somebody else’s highlight reel.
SHARE“Anything is possible. Get after it, be creative.”
SHARE“Seek discomfort unapologetically."
SHARE“Try new things and see what sticks.”
SHARE“You are not for everyone and that’s ok.”
SHARE“It’s amazing what happens when you start listening to what your life is trying to tell you.”