Preston Smiles, Caitlin Turner, Amber Valdez, & Zach Puchtel

Episode 173 - June 12, 2018


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On this week’s episode, we continue our four-part Group Podcast series with our second episode touching on the topic of Racism. This is a delicate, sensitive, and hot-button topic and I'm delighted with the bold, inspiring, and honest answers our guests answered on the spot. It's a topic that definitely doesn't get address nearly enough and I'm happy to share this with you.


This week's guests are:


Caitlin Turner: an empowering Instagram influencer (@gypsetgoddess).

Zach Puchtel: a musician and transformational author of the upcoming book "The American.

Amber Valdez: The "Life Purpose Cheerleader" coach and author of Stickie Affirmations.

Preston Smiles: a popular transformational YouTuber and founder of 'Man Cave,' an online brotherhood of conscious men.


This concept was conceived from the positive feedback we received on Episode 149 where I brought in 5 of my friends and just sat around and talked about life and what’s real for us. If you'd like to listen to part 1 of this series, check out Episode 171 where we discuss Negative Thoughts and Limiting Beliefs.


Connect with Mark: Instagram 


Show Notes:

-Why Preston submitted this question.

-How Caitlin moves past guilt when committing a social faux pas.

-What Preston is actively working through.

-How Amber feels when she needs to confront family members that make racist comments.

-How Joseph Campbell's wisdom influenced Zach's opinions on racism.

-Why we laugh at uncomfortable things.

-Mark questions the limits of self-deprecating humor.

Episode Quotes

“It’s really important for all of us to not pretend like we don’t have work to do in this area.” -Preston Smiles


“As long as it was a learning experience, it was good that it happened, so that you can move forward with this new information.” -Caitlin Turner


“I feel like I’m signing on the racism if I don’t say something." -Amber Valdez


“Until we start thinking of ourselves as one people, nothing is going to change.” -Zach Puchtel


“Where is the line in terms of making jokes about your own race?” -Mark Shapiro


“People would just like to be seen as the amazing gifts from god that we are.” -Preston Smiles